Finding Balance and Happiness After Retirement in Denver, CO

Aug 19, 2020

You’ve put in the hard work and created a solid, written plan for your future by working with The Retirement Solution. Now that you have confidence to know that you can live out your hopes and dreams in your golden years, have you considered all the nonfinancial aspects of retirement? Exploring the mental, physical, social, and spiritual changes that take place in retirement are no less important. You may have worked for 30 or 40 years. How do you re-program your brain to transition out of a rigid work routine into a less structured and more relaxed phase of your life? Here are some thought provoking ways you can increase your odds of living your “Happily Ever After’ in your post-career life.

You Have Retired Successfully in Denver, CO. Now What?

Congratulations, you have retired, so what now? Maybe you have a trip planned or a visit with family, perhaps other scheduled commitments, but what is your “day-to-day” going to look like? For some, it may feel isolating and lonely — like your whole world has turned upside down. How can you be sure that you’ll experience engaging and fun activities, rest, and reflection?

It’s important to take time to think about what gets you excited. What is it that helps you get out of bed each day? Make a list of the activities that interest you. Think about the things you wanted to do when you were working but didn’t have the time. These are your clues to finding the answers to what will bring you a feeling of fulfillment, connection with others, increased health, and improved joy in retirement.

Seniors Must Keep Moving to Stay Healthy & Feel Young

We all know the huge benefit of exercise for our health, especially as we grow older. As the aches and pains settle in, moving becomes more essential. Exercise not only keeps us feeling limber and fit, but also reduces stress and helps us to feel “engaged and alive”. Even for those older adults whose activity level is compromised, don’t get discouraged. There are activities in Denver for everyone.

Denver’s active lifestyle knows no age limit, and older adults are just as active as younger city residents. As a benefit, residents of Denver, age 60 and older, receive “a golden opportunity” — free access to 30 Denver recreational centers — which includes; 16 outdoor pools, 15 indoor pools, and 200 plus fitness classes. The Silver Sneakers’ programs that specialize in fitness programs geared for older adults are readily available in Denver recreation centers. These classes tend to create camaraderie with other older adults who have similar lifestyle and interests. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the huge popularity, enrollment numbers and expanse of the sport pickleball with older Americans. Many Denver recreation centers have pickleball classes and non-competitive leagues for active enthusiasts. No reason for boredom to set in with so many opportunities.

Besides these indoor activities, the city prioritizes outdoor exercise by maintaining miles of off-road, paved bike and walking trails, beautiful parks and outdoor space throughout the city. If you’re a golf enthusiast, check out all the Denver Public Golf Courses. Join a league, play a round with friends or just hit balls at the driving range. Not too far away, in the near-by foothills and mountains, take pleasure in skiing, hiking and other outdoor mountain activities. Whatever sport your heart desires – you WILL find it in Denver.

Find Other Senior Friends with Similar Interests

Looking to meet some new friends is very doable if you look in the right places. Check out Denver’s “Meet Ups”. There are Meet Up Groups in every area of interest and for specific age groups, including 60 and over, in our community. Meet ups are a popular way to banish your boredom and share interests with fellow “Denverites”. Let your passion lead the way. You will find everything from book clubs to hiking clubs. Denver offers something for everyone.

Keep Your Mind Young During Retirement by Learning New Things

Learning is a lifelong journey. If you have fond memories of the classroom, textbooks and papers, why not educate yourself in something new. Introduce yourself to new ways of thinking by taking a course at one of our Denver area colleges. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Denver is an adult membership program designed for inquiring adults starting at age 50. Both Colorado State University and University of Colorado Denver offer reduced or free tuition to seniors for their program offerings. Also check out Older Adult Learning options available at the many Denver Community Colleges.

Retirement is the Best Time to Give Back to Others Through Volunteering

If you’re in search to re-purpose yourself after years of work, consider volunteering. There is nothing more rewarding than providing a much needed and beneficial service to our beloved Denver residents and community. If there is a charitable cause you believe in, chances are there is a nonprofit in Denver that you can easily be connected and involved with. A simple Google search will connect you with both ideas and organizations where you can get information about volunteer opportunities. Another great benefit is you will likely meet a friend who is equally passionate about your worthy cause.

Get Passionate About a New Hobby in Your Retirement Years

With more time, why not re-invent yourself and try a new hobby. Maybe it’s a photography class, painting, pottery or joining the choir. Here’s your chance to learn a new skill. Craft stores and other specialty stores often offer classes as incentives to purchase their products. Whatever it may be, find something you enjoy. Who knows, your hobby may lend itself to a small income source. You’ve worked hard and now it’s time to play! There are lots of things you can do that will allow you to meet other retirees, stay active, keep busy and make the most of these “Golden Years”. Enjoy these tips and ideas as you journey to define your “Happily Ever After” in retirement.



Providing for family, spending time with grandkids, traveling. You shouldn’t be wasting your golden years worrying about electric bills or the balance of your checking account. We’ve helped hundreds of people retire confidently and we can’t wait to do the same for you.

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