What is a Trust?

What Is A Trust? A trust is conventionally employed to reduce estate taxes and can provide additional advantages when incorporated into a carefully designed estate plan. A trust serves as a fiduciary arrangement empowering a third party, the trustee, to hold assets on...

Your Social Security Survivor Benefits

Losing a loved one can feel truly overwhelming. From paperwork to arrangements to finances, the to-do list can be daunting in an already vulnerable time. One of the things that can help ease families’ financial burden when a loved one passes is understanding and...

Long-Term Care Coverage in Your Retirement

Having a long-term care policy can be a great way to pay for expensive long-term care costs. However, it’s important to carefully consider the tax implications associated with this decision. Travis Johnson, TRS financial planner and educator, helps us explore this...

Inheriting IRAs with Secure Act 2.0

In December 2019, Congress passed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement, otherwise known as the SECURE Act. This legislation seeks to simplify and broaden access to retirement savings for many Americans. Since its passage, the SECURE Act has...